Cheap Flights to Lima from Charleston

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* Listed sample fares include all fuel surcharges and airport taxes. Please use the flight search form to search and display cheap fares applicable to your specific itinerary and travel dates

Lima Flights Shopping Tips

This fare display is useful for identifying general travel periods when cheap flights to Lima (from Charleston) might be available, and to provide you with insight on how airlines structure their fares based on travel seasons. We suggest you avoid searching for cheap flights with departures close to major holidays, such as Easter, Christmas, etc. Even though airlines might publish low fares for travel around holidays, such fares are very rarely available for purchase, because airlines try to sell significantly more expensive fares first before releasing the remaining cheap seats, if any, at the very last minute

Please use the Flights Search Form on the left to search for cheap flights to Lima (from Charleston) that are available for your specific travel dates. Use the Flex Days option to increase the likelihood of finding the cheapest deals for Lima flights.

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From Our Lima Flights Guide: Airport Facilities

Baggage: Located in the main hall, you will find the left luggage department. Luggage can be safely stored for days or hours at the following rates, $3 per day per unit or $1 per hour per unit.

Money: Located in the main hall of the International Terminal, you will find a bureau de change and a post office on the ground level. ATM's are located throughout the airport.

More Services: Located on the mezzanine level, you will find a pharmacy and a medical center which can provide a vaccination service - they are open 24hrs for your convenience. There is also a private medical service which is located on the first floor of the International zone.

Eating & Drinking: Located at the main concourse, you will find a great selection shops and booths, which sell a vast selection of items ranging from handycrafts, books, magazines and other items to vending machines with soft drinks, snacks, cigarettes and coffee.

Shopping: Located on the mezzanine level in the International terminal, you will find various restaurants that sell a great selection of dishes and meals.

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Showers early. Scattered clouds. Mild.

Showers early. Scattered clouds. Mild.
Chance of Precip.: 46 %
Wind: SSW 11 km/h

Sprinkles early. Partly cloudy. Cool.

Sprinkles early. Partly cloudy. Cool.
Chance of Precip.: 50 %
Wind: SW 10 km/h

Mostly sunny. Cool.

Mostly sunny. Cool.
Chance of Precip.: 5 %
Wind: S 14 km/h

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