Cheap Flights to Harare - Harare Flights

You are viewing the lowest possible fares for cheap flights to Harare for departures up to 180 days in advance. These cheap Harare flights may not be available for purchase on your desired travel dates. Click on a desired departure airport name to display a detailed list of fares applicable to the selected origin, sorted by travel periods. The following page will help you understand how airlines structure their fares to Harare based on travel seasons, giving you an opportunity to pick the cheapest time to travel within the next half a year.

Compare Fares for Cheap Flights to Harare by Clicking on Your Nearest City

Atlanta Flights from $1,271

Departure date 8/8/24

Boston Flights from $1,235

Departure date 8/24/24

Charleston Flights from $2,498

Departure date 7/4/24

Detroit Flights from $1,587

Departure date 5/22/24

Houston Flights from $1,778

Departure date 6/5/24

New York Flights from $1,286

Departure date 5/23/24

Las Vegas Flights from $1,646

Departure date 8/15/24

Los Angeles Flights from $1,623

Departure date 8/8/24

Miami Flights from $1,680

Departure date 7/14/24

Minneapolis Flights from $1,961

Departure date 6/11/24

Chicago Flights from $1,499

Departure date 6/2/24

Portland Flights from $1,660

Departure date 5/29/24

Phoenix Flights from $1,528

Departure date 5/22/24

San Diego Flights from $1,809

Departure date 7/25/24

Seattle Flights from $1,893

Departure date 6/4/24

* Listed sample fares include all fuel surcharges and airport taxes. Please use the flight search form above to search and display cheap fares applicable to your specific itinerary and travel dates.

Harare Flights Facts

  • The city of Harare is served by the following airport: International (HRE)
  • A total of 10 airlines operate their flights to/from Harare. Click here for detailed airline information, including route maps, contact telephones and websites.
  • Harare serves as a hub for the following airline: Air Zimbabwe

Harare Flights Distance and Flight Time Calculator

Popular Picks:

  • Madrid - Harare: 4610 miles, flight time 9 hours
  • Barcelona - Harare: 4500 miles, flight time 9 hours
  • Lima - Harare: 7130 miles, flight time 14 hours
  • Buenos Aires - Harare: 5510 miles, flight time 11 hours
  • Sevilla - Harare: 4520 miles, flight time 9 hours
  • Bilbao - Harare: 4750 miles, flight time 10 hours
  • Alicante - Harare: 4400 miles, flight time 9 hours
  • Paris - Harare: 4950 miles, flight time 10 hours
  • Athens - Harare: 3890 miles, flight time 8 hours

Harare Highlights - From the Harare Flights Guide

Harare es el principal punto de entrada para muchos tesoros naturales de Zimbawe, que también incluyen las famosas Cataratas Victoria. La ciudad en sí, es atractiva para los visitantes por sus peculiares mercados e interesantes galerías informativas.

Read the rest of the Harare Flights Guide »

Harare - Victoria Falls are Zimbabwe's biggest attraction

Zimbabwe Parks


Zimbabwe has some of Africa’s best wildlife parks. There are also dozens of safari ranges, as well as botanical gardens and reserves. The most popular spots are Victoria Falls, Hwange, Matobo, Kariba, Gonarezhou, Nyanga, and Mana Pools.

Zimbabwe - National Gallery, houses an important art collection

The National Gallery

Address: 20 Julius Nyerere Way/ Parklane

The National gallery houses Zimbabwe’s contemporary and historical art, including a stunning collection of Shona soft-stone carvings. The gallery also hosts traveling international exhibitions.

Harare - Mbare Market, a colorful collection of knick-knacks

Mbare market

One of the city’s most famous flea markets, Mbare Market features local crafts such as baskets, masks, soapstone carvings, spears and beads, as well as food, clothing, gemstone bargains and other souvenirs.

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