Cheap Flights to Kuwait - Kuwait Flights

You are viewing the lowest possible fares for cheap flights to Kuwait for departures up to 180 days in advance. These cheap Kuwait flights may not be available for purchase on your desired travel dates. Click on a desired departure airport name to display a detailed list of fares applicable to the selected origin, sorted by travel periods. The following page will help you understand how airlines structure their fares to Kuwait based on travel seasons, giving you an opportunity to pick the cheapest time to travel within the next half a year.

Compare Fares for Cheap Flights to Kuwait by Clicking on Your Nearest City

Atlanta Flights from $1,027

Departure date 5/13/24

Boston Flights from $1,009

Departure date 6/10/24

Charleston Flights from $1,370

Departure date 8/9/24

Detroit Flights from $932

Departure date 8/8/24

Houston Flights from $1,068

Departure date 8/5/24

New York Flights from $691

Departure date 5/17/24

Las Vegas Flights from $1,368

Departure date 6/1/24

Los Angeles Flights from $890

Departure date 5/20/24

Miami Flights from $1,422

Departure date 6/1/24

Minneapolis Flights from $1,296

Departure date 5/13/24

Portland Flights from $1,171

Departure date 7/9/24

Phoenix Flights from $1,276

Departure date 5/10/24

San Diego Flights from $1,512

Departure date 7/9/24

Seattle Flights from $1,204

Departure date 8/14/24

* Listed sample fares include all fuel surcharges and airport taxes. Please use the flight search form above to search and display cheap fares applicable to your specific itinerary and travel dates.

Kuwait Flights Facts

Kuwait Flights Distance and Flight Time Calculator

Popular Picks:

  • Madrid - Kuwait: 2980 miles, flight time 6 hours
  • Barcelona - Kuwait: 2690 miles, flight time 6 hours
  • Lima - Kuwait: 8740 miles, flight time 17 hours
  • Buenos Aires - Kuwait: 8220 miles, flight time 16 hours
  • Sevilla - Kuwait: 3120 miles, flight time 7 hours
  • Bilbao - Kuwait: 2950 miles, flight time 6 hours
  • Alicante - Kuwait: 2830 miles, flight time 6 hours
  • Paris - Kuwait: 2750 miles, flight time 6 hours
  • Athens - Kuwait: 1500 miles, flight time 3 hours

Kuwait Highlights - From the Kuwait Flights Guide

No sólo se trata de un importante destino de negocios, Kuwait también seduce a los amantes de las actividades acuáticas. Espléndidos arrecifes de coral y playas ideales para la vela y el surf; así como varias opciones para ir de compras, esperan a aquellos cuya agenda de negocios los aburre.

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Kuwait - Kuwait Towers, city's top attraction

Kuwait Towers

The three Kuwait towers are the city’s landmark and a top attraction. The main tower features two spheres. The upper one is an observation deck offering a stunning view of the city and the Arabian Gulf, while the lower sphere features three excellent restaurants, as well as a huge water tank.

Kuwait - diving at the splendid coral reefs


There are a number of good coral reefs in Kuwaiti waters with rich and colorful underwater ecosystems. There are many diving clubs with instructors and diving equipment, offering diving courses and certification.
Some of the best diving locations: Ash Shuwaykh, Mina al Ahmadi, Ash Shu'aybah, Mina Su'ud and Qasr.

Kuwait - numerous great shopping venues


From glitzy malls to traditional souks Kuwait City has it all. The largest mall is the Avenues Shopping Mall on 5th ring road, featuring numerous stores, 35 restaurants, 10 cinemas, and much more.

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