Cheap Flights to Lisbon - Lisbon Flights

You are viewing the lowest possible fares for cheap flights to Lisbon for departures up to 180 days in advance. These cheap Lisbon flights may not be available for purchase on your desired travel dates. Click on a desired departure airport name to display a detailed list of fares applicable to the selected origin, sorted by travel periods. The following page will help you understand how airlines structure their fares to Lisbon based on travel seasons, giving you an opportunity to pick the cheapest time to travel within the next half a year.

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Atlanta Flights from $701

Departure date 8/7/24

Boston Flights from $581

Departure date 5/20/24

Charleston Flights from $815

Departure date 7/15/24

Detroit Flights from $708

Departure date 8/6/24

Washington Flights from $557

Departure date 6/27/24

Houston Flights from $670

Departure date 6/4/24

New York Flights from $567

Departure date 7/17/24

Las Vegas Flights from $701

Departure date 8/12/24

Los Angeles Flights from $549

Departure date 8/13/24

Miami Flights from $543

Departure date 7/16/24

Minneapolis Flights from $540

Departure date 8/13/24

Chicago Flights from $619

Departure date 5/20/24

Portland Flights from $581

Departure date 7/30/24

Phoenix Flights from $615

Departure date 8/5/24

San Diego Flights from $543

Departure date 8/14/24

Seattle Flights from $650

Departure date 8/4/24

San Francisco Flights from $540

Departure date 8/14/24

* Listed sample fares include all fuel surcharges and airport taxes. Please use the flight search form above to search and display cheap fares applicable to your specific itinerary and travel dates.

Lisbon Flights Facts

Lisbon Flights Distance and Flight Time Calculator

Popular Picks:

  • Madrid - Lisbon: 320 miles, flight time 1 hour
  • Barcelona - Lisbon: 620 miles, flight time 2 hours
  • Lima - Lisbon: 5610 miles, flight time 11 hours
  • Buenos Aires - Lisbon: 5980 miles, flight time 12 hours
  • Sevilla - Lisbon: 200 miles, flight time 1 hour
  • Bilbao - Lisbon: 450 miles, flight time 1 hour
  • Alicante - Lisbon: 470 miles, flight time 1 hour
  • Paris - Lisbon: 900 miles, flight time 2 hours
  • Athens - Lisbon: 1790 miles, flight time 4 hours

Lisbon Highlights - From the Lisbon Flights Guide

Lisboa es una ciudad con una rica y orgullosa historia que data desde los tiempos gloriosos de los pueblos del mar. La ciudad también es bendecida con hermosas playas de arena, una animada vida nocturna y numerosos sitios históricos y museos.


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Lisbon - Belem Tower, top attraction and symbol of the country

Belém Tower

The Tower is a monument to Portugal's Age of Discovery, often serving as a symbol of the country. It is one of the most famous and most-photographed sites of Lisbon. It was built in the early 16th century to guard the entrance to Lisbon's harbor. The outside walls are impressively decorated with stone–carved ropes and balconies, Moorish towers and battlements in shape of shields. The building is a UNESCO world heritage site. Inside the tower houses a museum.

Lisbon - Barrio Alto, lively historic and nightlife quarter

The Bairro Alto & nighlife

The name literally means ‘The upper City’ and is a colorful historic quarter. It can be accessed via an unusual elevator from the lower city.
The district becomes a lively and buzzing area at night where the finest fado cafes in town are located. Also, it is the best pace for nightlife and party in Lisbon.

Sintra beach near Lisbon

Sintra & the beaches

Sintra is a popular nature park rich in historic and natural attractions and a reserve of Portuguese culture. It is located just 25 km from Lisbon and makes up for a nice day trip from Lisbon.
Its top attraction is the Moorish castle. When in Sintra you have to check out the beaches. There are numerous great beachesto be found north of Lisbon, west to Carcavelos or south in the popular Algarve.


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