Cheap Flights to Sao Paulo - Sao Paulo Flights

You are viewing the lowest possible fares for cheap flights to Sao Paulo for departures up to 180 days in advance. These cheap Sao Paulo flights may not be available for purchase on your desired travel dates. Click on a desired departure airport name to display a detailed list of fares applicable to the selected origin, sorted by travel periods. The following page will help you understand how airlines structure their fares to Sao Paulo based on travel seasons, giving you an opportunity to pick the cheapest time to travel within the next half a year.

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Atlanta Flights from $432

Departure date 6/18/24

Atlanta Flights from $432

Departure date 6/18/24

Boston Flights from $408

Departure date 5/21/24

Boston Flights from $408

Departure date 5/21/24

Charleston Flights from $499

Departure date 6/21/24

Charleston Flights from $499

Departure date 6/21/24

Detroit Flights from $858

Departure date 6/10/24

Detroit Flights from $858

Departure date 6/10/24

Washington Flights from $548

Departure date 5/16/24

Washington Flights from $548

Departure date 5/16/24

Houston Flights from $838

Departure date 6/21/24

Houston Flights from $813

Departure date 7/1/24

New York Flights from $551

Departure date 6/2/24

New York Flights from $551

Departure date 6/2/24

Las Vegas Flights from $430

Departure date 5/20/24

Las Vegas Flights from $430

Departure date 5/20/24

Los Angeles Flights from $390

Departure date 5/12/24

Los Angeles Flights from $390

Departure date 5/12/24

Miami Flights from $462

Departure date 5/19/24

Miami Flights from $462

Departure date 5/19/24

Minneapolis Flights from $1,216

Departure date 5/24/24

Minneapolis Flights from $1,216

Departure date 5/24/24

Chicago Flights from $571

Departure date 6/24/24

Chicago Flights from $571

Departure date 6/24/24

Portland Flights from $895

Departure date 5/17/24

Portland Flights from $895

Departure date 5/17/24

Phoenix Flights from $693

Departure date 5/14/24

Phoenix Flights from $693

Departure date 5/14/24

San Diego Flights from $777

Departure date 5/17/24

San Diego Flights from $777

Departure date 5/17/24

Seattle Flights from $850

Departure date 5/11/24

Seattle Flights from $850

Departure date 5/11/24

San Francisco Flights from $531

Departure date 5/13/24

San Francisco Flights from $531

Departure date 5/13/24

* Listed sample fares include all fuel surcharges and airport taxes. Please use the flight search form above to search and display cheap fares applicable to your specific itinerary and travel dates.

Sao Paulo Flights Facts

Sao Paulo Flights Distance and Flight Time Calculator

Popular Picks:

  • Madrid - Sao Paulo: 5210 miles, flight time 11 hours
  • Barcelona - Sao Paulo: 5450 miles, flight time 11 hours
  • Lima - Sao Paulo: 2160 miles, flight time 5 hours
  • Buenos Aires - Sao Paulo: 1060 miles, flight time 3 hours
  • Sevilla - Sao Paulo: 4970 miles, flight time 10 hours
  • Bilbao - Sao Paulo: 5380 miles, flight time 11 hours
  • Alicante - Sao Paulo: 5200 miles, flight time 11 hours
  • Paris - Sao Paulo: 5840 miles, flight time 12 hours
  • Athens - Sao Paulo: 6230 miles, flight time 12 hours

Sao Paulo Highlights - From the Sao Paulo Flights Guide

El encanto principal de Sao Paulo es su gente. La ciudad es un mosaico de culturas y cuenta con grandes comunidades japonesas, italianas, árabes y libaneses. La mejor manera de disfrutar esta diversidad es a través de la rica variedad en la cocina y la cultura de la ciudad.
Los paulistanos son famosos por ser muy trabajadores; pero cuando no trabajan, es porque están celebrando en grande. Las noches siempre están repletas de energía, así que no olvide llevar sus zapatos de baile.

Read the rest of the Sao Paulo Flights Guide »

Traditional Brazilian food - churrascaria barbecue meat


Sao Paulo is a legendary city among gourmets. The city’s culinary landscape features Japanese, Italian, Brazilian, Chinese, Jewish, and Arab restaurants.
So much so, that some people visit Sao Paulo just for the dining. The best area to head for the bites is the Jardins district, thus also the hub of social life. Note that locals eat late, dinners start at 9 pm and are usually served until 3 am.

Caipirinha - Brazilian cocktail

Culture - art - nightlife

The city boasts some of the best museums in South America, the most popular being the MASP - Museu de Arte de Sao Paulo on Avenida Paulista.
The city is even more famous as a nightlife hotspot which has attracted some of the world’s top performers. Going out to a club is a definite must-do.

Brazilian soccer


Brazilians are very passionate about soccer, and Sao Paulo is one of the country’s major sports centers. It has two big stadiums where important matches are played: Morumbi and Pacaembu stadiums. The city’s main teams are Corinthians, Palmeiras and São Paulo FC, all of which play in the Brazilian Série A. Matches are held throughout the year and are a must-see for any soccer fan.

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Current weather in
Sao Paulo
Sunny. Warm.

Sunny. Warm.
Chance of Precip.: 0 %
Wind: N 8 km/h

Mostly sunny. Warm.

Mostly sunny. Warm.
Chance of Precip.: 0 %
Wind: N 7 km/h

Increasing cloudiness. Warm.

Increasing cloudiness. Warm.
Chance of Precip.: 0 %
Wind: NNW 14 km/h

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